Casper College Master Plan Refresh
In the spring of 2012 Casper College began a process of updating the previous 2009 Campus Master Plan Refresh. The college wished to update the current plan in two phases of planning.
Phase One was to identify the renovation work required in five building locations. The task was to program the renovation needs in: Liesinger Hall, Saunders Health Science, Strausner Student Center, Aley Fine Arts and Skelton Energy Institute. Subsequently, the Loftin Life Science Building was added to this list. Phase Two was to determine the future building needs of the campus over the next 10-15 years.
SLATERPAULL Architects and Amundsen Associates were hired as a team to analyze the previous master plan refresh and to suggest who should be relocated into the six buildings listed in the study.
Project details
- Location: Casper, WY